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The contact is the core part of the terminal connector to complete the electrical connection function. Generally, the contact pair is composed of positive contact and negative contact, and the electrical connection is completed through the insertion of negative and positive contacts. The male contact is a rigid part, and its shape is cylindrical (round pin), square cylindrical (squa
In the power electronic distribution wiring, when the equipment inside the screen is connected with the equipment outside the screen, it must pass through some special wiring terminals. These wiring terminals are combined, which is called terminal strip. The function of the terminal block is to connect the lines of the equipment inside the screen and the equipment outside the screen, and play the role of signal (current and voltage) transmission.
In the project, the wiring terminal is mainly the control unit, which must be reliably separated from each sensor and actuator to avoid interference, and can complete this function well. The wiring terminal can ensure that the field signal matches the low voltage required by the electronic control device, and can also be used as the interface element between the peripheral equipment of process control and the control
The use of wiring terminals is convenient and fast, and is suitable for the interconnection of a large number of wires. In the power industry, there are special terminal blocks and terminal boxes, all of which are wiring terminals, single-layer, double-layer, current, voltage, ordinary, breakable, etc. A certain crimping area is to ensure reliable contact and sufficient current
With the increasingly fierce competition in the terminal market, quickly and effectively mastering the market development has become the key to the success of enterprises and decision-makers. Market analysis is a scientific and systematic work, which directly affects the planning of enterprise development strategy, the design of product marketing scheme, the formulation of company investment
Cold pressed terminals belong to the category of connectors and are the link connecting wires and equipment in the operation of electrical equipment. With the refinement and development of industrial control and electrical power, more and more cold pressed terminals are installed on the equipment. What should be paid attention to when using cold pressed terminals
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